Brighton Counselling & Psychotherapy


Anger, shame and depression

What issues were you facing?

Angry outbursts, feelings of guilt and shame, depression, anxiety.

How did counselling help?

Shelley helped me to step back and take a broader look beyond my own projections of events, and to understand patterns of behaviour which had become problematic. She helped me to reach a greater understanding of why I react in certain ways to certain situations, based on childhood or other factors.

How has life been after counselling?

I definitely feel that I am more sure of myself since having counselling, and am more able to step back and understand why I react to things as I do. I'm still working on letting things get to me less, but it's good not to feel it is inevitable anymore.

What would you say to those concerned about the cost?

I do feel this was a worthwhile investment for me, but every individual would need to balance out their need against the potential anxiety the financial burden might create.

Would you recommend counselling?

Yes, definitely, and I'm very grateful to Shelley for four years of working through some big issues with me.

Q&AShelley Holland